Founders and Family Firms are the cement of our society
Most stats around business scream about the importance of small firms to your places’ economy. These firms are usually run by their founder or by the family. Or in many cases founders and family firms are one and the same. We know these firms are led by people of passion. They are business leaders with a unique combination of skills and challenges. These people are usually based in their place and are incredibly important for the business eco-system.
They help to balance out the dramatic effects global; businesses have on local places. Global firms have to make tough decisions about location (or relocation) which can bring massive opportunities to a place when they arrive and devastating consequences if they withdraw. When times are good founders and family firms prefer to recruit and develop talent locally. If times are bad founders and family firms batten down the hatches and rarely desert their place!
Why is this so important to us?
Thomas Jardine & Co is a small family firm. We have relocated, but only by 9 miles! Our business has transformed over the generations so we have become a ‘generational founder business’.
We have experienced many of the doubts and joys of running a family business. At the same time as founders of new businesses we understand the absolute mix of fear and confidence it takes to transform an idea into a business reality.
A 10 year stint in academia encouraged us to look at the bigger picture. To understand the values of business models and how to help businesses apply these in a practical and effective way.
We want a vibrant business ECO-SYSTEM which drives ambition and aspiration in our place. We get joy from doing this in person, in groups and online.
Growing our Business Eco-system 2024/25
We will be launching the ON IT Club in January designed specifically for Founders and Family Firm Leaders. An opportunity to deep dive into your business model and create the change you want and need to make. If you want to be part of the first cohort contact Keith.
In 2025 we will also be launching a leadership ECO-SYSTEM specifically for founders and family firm leaders. This will be a deep dive into all aspects of leadership. We would welcome interest from anyone who wants to become a key partner in this. If you want to partner with us contact Jacqui.
This is built on what Thomas Jardine & Co do…
We work with partners both national and regionally to help support a vibrant business ECO-SYSTEM for founders and family firms. If you want to be involved here are some of the ways we and our partners can help you:
Overcoming changes in your business (with our partners):
- Business support package for founders and family firms: We facilitate the SPARK Sessions for Be the Business as part of their Productivity Programme. We are also the experiential learning lead and co-designer of their Inspiring Leaders Programme. Contact ourselves or Be the Business
- Peer group plus for founders and family firms in Cumberland’s food and drink sector: we will be running this with Cumbria Chambers funded by Cumbria Community Foundation via Cumberland Council. Contact ourselves or Cumbria Chambers
- Innovation with Design Thinking, innovate your product, service, channel or business model: In September we will deliver a Design Thinking Workshop funded via Enterprising Cumbria. Contact our selves or Enterprising Cumbria
- Mentoring for founders and family firm leaders: In collaboration with the Cumbria Growth Hub we offer one to one mentoring across a 6 month timeframe. Contact ourselves or Cumbria Growth Hub
- Test your new business idea for new business founders: We are working with Enterprising Cumbria to help you get over the initial barriers to moving your business idea into reality. Contact ourselves or Enterprising Cumbria
Working directly with you as you develop as a Founder or Family Firm Leader
- We offer bespoke support for you or your business.
- This ranges from mentoring you or key members of your team (currently there is a £500 subsidy for this for qualifying Cumbrian businesses).
- Using Lego® Serious Play® to unlock and navigate the ‘knotty’ problems (currently there is a £500 subsidy for this for qualifying Cumbrian businesses).
- Designing and delivering leadership team days (currently there is a £500 subsidy for this for qualifying Cumbrian businesses).
- Acting as a Non Exec on you board, ideal for transitioning leadership and developing Board Level Skills
- If you or part of your team needs space to work at a desk or to hold a meeting.
- We operate the Guild Coworking Space in Carlisle (contact Daniel Jackson for more details)
Give us a call
If you are a founder or a family firm and have an opportunity or challenge that you want to unlock and solve then give Jacqui a call on 07460034551.