Are you facing change?
Do you agree or disagree that “change it’s not you it’s them” ?
In January did you have a lovely business plan? Has the plan changed a little?
Now take a deep breath and answer this honestly. Is all the change due to COVID or is a good part of it things you were always going to get round to doing?
Change in business often looks like it is driven by outside forces. In many cases this is true but the type and scale of change is down to the leader of the business. We subconsciously make decisions made on our perception of the world and this does not always match what the rest of the world is seeing.
Do you need Space to change?
Many of us have had space away from our business to really work on the business future rather than in the business. So, is it that thinking space that is driving part of our change of focus in our businesses? Admittedly COVID has had a huge effect on many sectors (ours included as coworking we had to physically close during Lockdown…the first time a business ran by our family has closed its doors for over 125 years).
But has the space to think allowed us all real time to unscramble the noise and focus on changing the business? This change may not be dramatic pivoting. It may just be a more focused look at costs or a re-evaluation of our customer base.
All changes big or small require confident leadership.
Is there the confidence to Lead?
So have you got the confidence to lead change? COVID and the ensuing media focus on the coming recession has hit the confidence of all but the most resilient leaders. It’s OK to be unsure, we all are. Nobody really knows what the future will hold. That is the beauty of it , for once in a generation we are facing a level playing field of ‘business knowledge’.
We gain confidence from sharing and refining our ideas. Build a trusted network , support each other and watch that confidence grow. You may even get confident enough to let your new ideas grow in the hands of others.
Have you the confidence to Let Go?
Many of us as business leaders do have trouble letting go. If we can build up our confidence and focus on what we want to change in our business then we can let others take our business forward.
Use the right tools for you!
We are all different. Use your difference as your advantage. Make decisions using the tools (Strategyzers Business Model Canvas is a great example) that suit your style. Don’t be prescriptive in your change journey, be you.
If you want a ‘confidant’ that will challenge you to help you on your journey, give us a shout at Thomas Jardine & Co