Let’s talk #ideas and how we get hold of them! Ideas are usually sparked by something or someone, a chance conversation, a deliberate conversation, something you observe, something unexpected. Often when we put ourselves in different situations, take time out of the day to day, open ourselves to new, we can get just a seed of an idea which may well lead to something brilliant. So where will you get your next idea from? Can I suggest you take a look Be the Business and their #spark sessions where you will get just that, ideas from your peers and some fabulous ‘agitator’ speakers, who sow the seed of the discussion and create thinking and actions which may not otherwise have happened.
Previous themes have covered: getting on your numbers – where does the profit lie | leadership in challenging times (making it work) |sales and generating them’ | digital and what that means to me across my business. Speakers have been enlightening, all with relevant and relatable expertise have included: Sanmi Gbadegesin, Paul Lantsbury Jennifer Bishop, David Mansfield, Sir Charlie Mayfield, Emma Degg FRSA, Keith Broom, Lizzie Ball, Chris Hope, Jen Bartle, Dr Kenneth Wade PhD, BA, FInstLM, Anita Dinnes ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, James Newell, Mark Berry, Allison Harrison, Jeanette Pope, Jay Mandar, Sarah Moss, Drake Peabody, Barry Leahey MBE
Spark ideas in your business and see what change you can make: #leadership #change #sales #profit #finance #smallbusiness #uk #productivity