The place in which we live is always changing and with it brings new and exciting opportunities.
A view from Blencathra courtesy of Jackrabbit
We want to collaborate with as many people as possible to help make our place even better and this January just highlights the great teams that are willing to be involved. This is both in creating a new Guild building for co-workers in Carlisle and building our company Thomas Jardine & Co that looks to support our great family businesses and food businesses.
So, late last year we bought the old Guild building on Abbey Street and we were fortunate enough to be introduced to Les Harding by Chris and Malcolm from Black Box Architects. Les is a miracle worker and his network is helping us breathe new life into the Guild. In the Guild we were also lucky enough to have a chance conversation with Ben from A.B.Energy who is now covering all our heating and electrical needs. The build is taking shape and we are hoping to have it ready for a soft launch at the end of March…watch this space.
Through Thomas Jardine and Co we have been fortunate enough to have serious conversations with a number of large and small food producers, listening to their plans and helping them focus on the future they want to see. This has led to a number of new entries on our food map and the creation of a calendar that highlights key events for foodies both in the area and nationally. We have also submitted written evidence on the importance of the cross-border food sector to the Scottish Parliaments Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, as well as conducting our own survey of local food producers’ confidence for 2018.
We are working with Lancaster University to help deliver their Productivity through People Project and are also looking at a joint project with them in Donegal…more on this next month.
Jacqui is also on the judging panel for the Cumbrian Family Business Awards and is working with Sue Howorth (Family Business Network) and Armstrong Watson & Co on their ‘Let’s talk About it” family business series. Sue and Jacqui are also working on a new family business project that could be really exciting.
Jacqui recently attended a Cumbria LEP meeting in behalf of the NW Institute of Directors and just before Christmas attended a review of research into Family Business, with Prof Carole Howorth from the University of York and Michael Bibby of Bibbys.
Busyish month with lots of catching up with old friends and starting up relationships with new businesses…this is a wonderful place to do business, let’s make it even better.
If you have an interest in Food, Family Business, Co-working and Place do get in touch at and/or follow us on Twitter @thomasjardineco